
Rapid Acquisition of Competence in English (RACE)

RACE, is a multimedia material conceived for adolescent learners. It is the first  model that demonstrates how a multimedia material can be developed in conformity with the constructivist paradigm. RACE deals with the story of two teenagers, Radhika and Vishnu and narrates the conflict they undergo at various points of time. The programme has four components:

One: The visual part that presents one part of the story in 18 episodes just like a serial

Two: Another part of the story is presented to the viewers as the oral narratives presented to the learners by the facilitators on the screen who interact with the learners of the virtual classroom who have watched the visuals.

Three:The reading material designed like a learner’s textbook which contains series of narratives which make the third part of the story.

Four: The fourth part of the story is to be constructed by the learners based on the input the learners get from the visuals, reading material and the oral narratives and the interaction that take place in the classroom, They do this by producing their oral and written discourses like narratives, conversations, descriptions, songs, etc.

The whole programme makes use of recurrence and spiraling of themes and discourses as suggested  by the events depicted in the story.

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